Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Need for The Arts

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to see Living [in theory], original musical based on the stories from DC students.  The musical was produced by an organization called City at Peace, a non-profit that uses the performing arts as a vehicle for social change.  The performance was amazing but even more amazing was how this show was put together. 

            The program begins with the selection of teenagers to work as production crewmembers and artistic director.  Then, an outreach group recruits teens from all parts of the city, from top private schools to runaway shelters.  The recruits write and perform in the play.  The whole experience is empowering for teens because it utilizes skills that aren’t necessarily taught in the classroom: leadership, teamwork, and cross-cultural understanding.  The finished product is rewarding and a little more tangible than a grade. 

With all the talk of school reform, the arts are a topic that is often pushed aside.  This is unfortunate because, as Living [in theory] has shown, the arts can have a profound impact on teens.  City at Peace has been successful in nine cities, including New York and Los Angeles, and could be beneficial to Baltimore as an inexpensive mean of infusing the arts back into our teens’ lives. 


For more information about City at Peace, check out their website:

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