Thursday, March 25, 2010

The New Waverly Elementary/Middle set to open in 2013

This article is interesting to me for a couple of reasons:

1) I currently work at Waverly Elementary/Middle and there is definitely a divide between the faculty and the people in the community about whether or not the new construction is a good idea. On one hand, it is very exciting to get a new building in a neighborhood that originally was supposed to mirror Roland Park, but has since gone downhill. On the other hand, there are a lot of people (faculty and community members alike) who have been upset with the way the administration has run things since the middle school opened in 2003. While everyone is excited for a new building, a lot of people question whether or not leadership can lead the "new Waverly' in the future. I don't think people understand that the money to fund this project has to come from somewhere (taxes, etc.).

2) This is the first newly constructed school in Baltimore City in a VERY long time (I couldn't find that exact info. Does anyone have it?). Knowing this, there is a question that needs to be asked: how did the city determine that this school would be rebuilt? I'm asking because I don't know and I'm curious. Waverly has not met AYP for the past 4 years, which means we are entering alternative goverance for the '10-'11 school year. I'm not saying that Waverly doesn't deserve a new school. I am just interested in finding out the process by which the BCPSS and the city approve this deal (and ones like it).

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