Monday, April 27, 2009

Teacher-Created Violence

A few days ago, at a school in the Bronx, a veteran computer teacher and teacher’s union chapter leader barricaded him in a classroom and made a bomb threat. According to the article, he came to the school after refusing to go to a reassignment center where he had been ordered based on claims of misconduct and corporal punishment. There was no bomb; he is in custody; no one was hurt.

As a teacher, I am torn between disgust and empathy.

Disgust: Why was someone deemed unstable allowed back into the school? How can teachers remain a symbol of guidance, maturity and wisdom for students if individuals like this discredit that important adult role? How can someone with a dozen allegations of misconduct against him continue to teach, getting paid more than $100,000 a year?

Empathy: Was he driven to mental instability because of the difficult demands of his job? Was he retained because no one else wanted his job? How many times have I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs only to have someone up top hear my complaints for once?

It is unfortunate that, so near the 10th anniversary of Columbine, we continue to see violent behavior at our schools. Even more disturbing is that, this time, it was created by the one of the people charged with protecting our students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The authoritative answer, it is tempting...