Monday, May 5, 2008

Paging Professional Responsibility

I am in my classroom and I look up at the clock and realize that it one o'clock i sigh , get up from up my desk and head out to the end of the hallway. I begin to direct traffic as children come from four directions back from their SPAR classes. This is a daily routine as the children are NEVER walked back to class by their teachers. Despite admonishments, memos, and directives this practice continues to occur every day and with the end of the year rapidly approaching I doubt that it will change. This story and a million others like it underscores one of the larges problems in this school system which is the lack of professional responsibility and accountability. It is distressing to come to work every day and observe teachers refusing directives, ignoring policies and procedures , and broadcasting openly how they plan to abuse their leave time for no other reason than they can. It is bothersome because this kind of attitude does a great disservice to the children whom should be our primary reason for coming to work. This lack of professional responsibility and accountability will continue to be an impidement that keeps this system from moving forward. I do not pretend to have the answers because I do not know what can be done with these types of people. I just know that at this point of the school year i am beyond tired of them. I have no problem dealing with children who are problematic but I have little patience for lazy adults.

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